Thursday, April 21, 2022

Iggy Pop November 08, 1986 St. Andrew's Hall Detroit, Michigan

 So here is how I remember it 36 years later... 

A group of friends and I decided to take the trek to Detroit from small town Ohio for this show. I was a college student at the time and had recorded concerts that I attended on the cheap GE recorder that I used for lectures at The Ohio State University. I bought a Sony WM-D3 professional recorder to capture this show. I had seen Iggy on two prior occasions, so I knew it would be a great show. For some reason, I hadn't yet purchased an accompanying microphone. Instead, I borrowed one for this show from a fellow taper. 

We stayed at the Hotel Pontchartrain and walked to St. Andrew's Hall plenty early enough to hang out and meet Iggy if we had the chance. Instead, we met some folks out back that contributed to our party...

Once in the venue, we made our way to the balcony, where we had a great vantage point, and waited for the show to begin. 

It escapes me now, who opened for Iggy that night. When the main event started, I pushed the record button on my new recorder, and away we went. It truly was a fantastic show. Anyone who has ever seen Iggy will admit that his energy onstage is unmatched. I'll let the audio (and video) speak for itself and move on with the story. 

After the show, we waited around out back of the venue for a chance to see Iggy and get autographs, which we were ultimately successful at doing.

Once back to the hotel, we listened to the recording and continued the party, only to discover the first half of the show did not exist. Side A of the tape was not recorder. Not sure what may have happened, but this was the first time I had used the new recorder, so I chalked it up to user error. You can only imagine my disappointment. 

The next morning as we were preparing to head home, I noticed that the microphone I had borrowed was missing. As it was nowhere in the hotel room, we retraced our steps from the night before. We got back to the venue, and there was a cleaning crew that let us in to look around for the microphone. No luck inside, so we went out back to look around the parking lot. We found a cassette tape laying in the gravel. I picked it up and we headed back to the hotel. 

Once there, I placed the tape in the boom box (it was the '80's), and what played was the soundboard recording of the show from the prior evening.

Download the soundboard audio HERE
Download the audience audio HERE
Download the video HERE
Download the preshow interview from WLLZ HERE

1. I Got A Right
2. Gimme Danger
3. Some Weird Sin
4. Real Wild Child
5. Sister Midnight
6. Blah-Blah-Blah
7. Baby, It Can't Fall
8. Nightclubbing
9. Firegirl
10. 5'1
11. Shades
12. T.V. Eye
13. Down On The Street
14. China Girl
15. Hideaway
16. Winners and Losers
17. Isolation
18. encore break
19. Lust For Life
20. Raw Power
21. Cry For Love

Parts of this recording have been included on various bootleg vinyl and CD releases over the years, the most popular of which is Where the Faces Shine Volume 2.

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